
Parents' Night Out: Experimenting with Flight

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Price: $30 - $35

Penalties for late pick-up apply. Members - $30, $20 for each additional sibling Nonmembers - $35, $25 for each additional sibling

Audience: Kids

Category: Nightlife

Phone: 425-637-8100

Event Schedules

KidsQuest Children's Museum

1116 108th Ave NE, Bellevue 98004

Sep 9 2015 - Sep 9 2015

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM on

Event Description

Drop off the kids for a fun evening of pizza, science, and lots of Museum playtime! It's a chance for both adults and kids to enjoy a special evening just for them! While you are out, your kids will put paper airplanes to the test with our motorized airplane launcher and see how high you can propel an air powered rocket!
For children ages 4-10 years old. Pre-registration required.
Penalties for late pick-up apply.


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