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Bellevue Beat | Bellevue to launch new "Pop-up" dog off-leash parks

Calling all dog owners and enthusiasts! Bellevue has exciting news for you and your furry friends. In response to growing demand for accessible and safe spaces for pets to exercise and enjoy the great outdoors, Bellevue is launching a brand-new initiative: the "Pop-Up" Dog Off-Leash pilot program.

This summer, fenced off-leash areas will "pop up" in various local Bellevue parks and city-owned properties, providing temporary but fantastic off-leash dog facilities. The selected pilot sites for this program include the vibrant Crossroads, Wilburton, and Downtown neighborhoods, chosen based on their population density and their ability to meet most of the identified Off-Leash Area needs and criteria.


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Here are the initial five temporary Off-Leash Area sites:
  • Crossroads Park (coming soon)
  • Wilburton Hill Park (coming soon)
  • Wildwood Park (coming soon)
  • North of City Hall (coming soon)
  • Lincoln Center (coming soon)

No matter if your pup is a bundle of energy or enjoys leisurely exploration, these parks will offer the perfect environment for them to have a tail-wagging good time. It's time to spread the word among your friends, neighbors, fellow dog enthusiasts, and anyone who can benefit from this incredible initiative. The success of this pilot program could pave the way for more permanent off-leash areas throughout Bellevue, ensuring that our beloved pets have the freedom they deserve.

The primary objective of this pilot program is to enhance permanent access to off-leash facilities across the city. Your voice matters, and the program wants to hear from you! Please take a moment to share your thoughts and opinions by completing the survey. Your valuable input will help shape the future of off-leash parks in Bellevue.

Let's make this program a resounding success and create a vibrant dog-friendly community in Bellevue. Together, we can provide our furry friends with the best experiences and an opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors.

Take the survey. For more information about the pilot program, visit Dogs in Bellevue Parks.

Published: May 30, 2023.
Photo by Corey Seeman.


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