Key Consulting, Inc.

Business & Professional Services

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Phone: 206-520-1927

10604 NE 38th St., Kirkland 98033 | Directions

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About Key Consulting, Inc.

Are you looking for help with project management or project management training? You’ve come to the right place. We work with, and train, individuals and organizations, to improve their project management capabilities. With offices in Bellevue, WA, (near Seattle) and Tucson, AZ, we help local businesses, nonprofits, and government organizations around the country.

Project Management Training

We supply project managers on a full-time basis for larger projects, and on a part-time basis for smaller clients and projects. Our project managers are certified as Project Management Professionals (PMP)® by the global Project Management Institute (PMI), and we are a PMI Authorized Training Partner (PMI ATP).

PMI ATP (Authorized Training Provider)

Over the years we have helped thousands of people learn how to manage projects more effectively through our practical, hands-on, online and in-person project management training courses based on our real-world experience and PMI-defined standards. Our instructors have experience with a huge variety of projects – our training is based on best practices that apply across all industries and application areas. If you have a project to manage, we can help.

Hours: Mon - Fri, 9 am - 5 pm

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